Brownsville Independent School District is collaborating closely with local, state, and national agencies as we monitor the Coronavirus (COVID-19). President Donald Trump just announced extending social distancing until April 30, 2020. Cameron County Judge Eddie Trevino issued mandatory " Shelter-in-Place" that is still in effect starting Wednesday, March 25, 2020, through April 8, 2020.
Based on updated information, the following further adjustments will go into effect:
A. Schools will remain closed until further notice effective immediately.
B. Distribution of Instructional packets will only continue via mail-out and upon parent request. Devices will continue to be distributed upon parent request Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Parents contact the School Principal for either the instructional packets and/or devices distribution times.
C. Our District commits to providing the Child Nutrition Meal program services from Monday-Friday from 11:30 am-1:00 pm at the same 12 designated locations.
D. The designated essential campus staff will report to work Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 8:00 am-2:00 pm.
E. Teachers need to continue to prepare for the long-term online learning by ensuring either usage or/and certification of any remote learning platform: Microsoft, Google Classroom, Apple Teacher, SeeSaw, Nearpod, Canvas, Classdojo, Blackboard, and Remind. For further support, please fill out the Teacher Teaching, Learning, Training Survey so we may continue to support your educational technology needs. Teachers will be provided additional information with the recommended grade level platforms.
F. All staff members must be available remotely from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm Monday through Friday.
G. Departments will continue to provide campus support.
H. Please note that these are the latest updates. Continue to refer to the previous BISD Superintendents Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates dated March 22, 2020, and March 24, 2020, as well.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding of this new updated plan. We will continue adjusting as needed based on new developments. Please continue to take precautionary measures and stay safe.
Dr. Rene Gutierrez
Superintendent of Schools
Sunday, March 29, 2020
Tuesday, March 24, 2020
BISD Superintendent Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates: March 24, 2020
Brownsville Independent School District is collaborating closely with local and state agencies as we monitor the Coronavirus (COVID-19). County Judge Eddie Trevino issued a mandatory "Shelter-in-Place" effective, Wednesday, March 25, 2020, through April 8, 2020.
Based on the new mandate, the following adjustments will go into effect:
A. Classes will tentatively resume Monday, April 13, 2020.
B. Distribution of Instructional packets and meal services will continue as scheduled. We are required to maintain documentation of all instructional support and meal program.
C. The essential staff designated by BISD are exempt from the "Shelter-in-Place" mandate. At this time, essential personnel is reporting to work from Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Essential staff must carry their District Identification during working hours.
D. The Texas Education Agency requires the District to continue to register new students via phone registration. Therefore, campuses are ready to welcome any new students.
E. Parents with children that require Special Education services will find the contact information under the front page of the BISD website under “Special Education Contact Information.”
F. During the next three weeks, BISD teachers need to prepare for the long-term online teaching and learning by ensuring either usage and/or certification of any remote learning platform: Microsoft, Google Classroom, Apple Teacher, SeeSaw, Nearpod, Canvas, Classdojo, Blackboard, and Remind. For further support, please fill out the Brownsville ISD: Inventory of Training, Learning, and Teaching Online Survey located on the BISD website so we may continue to support your educational technology needs.
G. All staff members not reporting to work must be available remotely from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding of this new updated plan. We will continue adjusting as needed based on new developments. Please continue to practice social distancing and stay safe.
Dr. Rene Gutierrez Superintendent of Schools
Based on the new mandate, the following adjustments will go into effect:
A. Classes will tentatively resume Monday, April 13, 2020.
B. Distribution of Instructional packets and meal services will continue as scheduled. We are required to maintain documentation of all instructional support and meal program.
C. The essential staff designated by BISD are exempt from the "Shelter-in-Place" mandate. At this time, essential personnel is reporting to work from Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Essential staff must carry their District Identification during working hours.
D. The Texas Education Agency requires the District to continue to register new students via phone registration. Therefore, campuses are ready to welcome any new students.
E. Parents with children that require Special Education services will find the contact information under the front page of the BISD website under “Special Education Contact Information.”
F. During the next three weeks, BISD teachers need to prepare for the long-term online teaching and learning by ensuring either usage and/or certification of any remote learning platform: Microsoft, Google Classroom, Apple Teacher, SeeSaw, Nearpod, Canvas, Classdojo, Blackboard, and Remind. For further support, please fill out the Brownsville ISD: Inventory of Training, Learning, and Teaching Online Survey located on the BISD website so we may continue to support your educational technology needs.
G. All staff members not reporting to work must be available remotely from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding of this new updated plan. We will continue adjusting as needed based on new developments. Please continue to practice social distancing and stay safe.
Dr. Rene Gutierrez Superintendent of Schools
Monday, March 23, 2020
BISD Superintendent Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates: March 24, 2020
BISD Superintendent Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates: March 24, 2020
After carefully evaluating the most recent recommendations from the Health Department this past weekend, the Brownsville Independent School District has modified the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Plan of Action that was discussed on March 19, 2020, during Emergency Principals’ Meeting. Please note the following adjustments:
A. The required number of staff members to support the campus will be reduced to 3 staff members instead of the original 10 discussed at the Emergency Principals’ Meeting on Thursday, March 19, 2020 (Principal, Secretary, and Head Custodian). If your secretary or head custodian are not able to report to work due to caring for others or due to illness, you may ask for volunteers to assist you during the hours of 8:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.
B. The distribution of packets will begin on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, and will continue through April 3, 2020. We encourage Principals to disseminate the packets throughout the day to avoid a large number of parents coming in at the same time. (Suggestions: By Grade Level and Alphabet Distribution Time Frames will be from 8:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
C. In the event we have to extend the school closures beyond April 3, 2020, we will be moving to all three remote/online platforms: Microsoft Teams, Google Classroom to include Google Hangout, and Apple Teacher. Electronic Devices will be distributed at parent request between 8:30 a.m-1:30 p.m.
D. During the next two weeks, BISD teachers, need to prepare for the long term online learning by ensuring certification on one of the following remote learning platforms: Microsoft, Google, or Apple Teacher applications. Please note: SeeSaw, Nearpod, Canvas, Classdojo, Blackboard, and Remind are other platforms that support remote learning and are welcomed. The goal is to become a multi-digital teacher in a time where remote learning might extend beyond these two weeks. For technical assistance, please contact the ISET Department at (956)554-4773 or email Denise Gallegos at, Lorena Martinez at Please also visit the following websites to link your teachers directly to the online certification platforms. All learning platforms are self-paced and are online. Teachers are expected to be certified no later than April 3, 2020.
1. Microsoft Certified Educator:
2. Google Teacher Certification:
3. Apple Teacher:
E. The Child Nutrition Meals program remains the same as discussed at the Emergency Called Principals’ Meeting on Thursday, March 19, 2020. Meals will be on a curbside pick-up basis. A designated location for walk-ups has been identified at each campus. Students must be present to receive a meal. Please take all precautionary measures when distributing the meals.
F. The Maintenance and Warehouse Department will be distributing latex gloves, masks, and hand sanitizers. Please note masks are limited in the country, so please secure your mask during the week of distribution. Schedule is forthcoming as to the time you may pick-up the supplies at the Warehouse Department. Please continue to check for updates via email on a periodic basis.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding of these changes to our plan. We will be adjusting as needed as new developments arise. Please continue to take precautionary measures and keep safe.
Dr. Rene Gutierrez Superintendent of Schools
A. The required number of staff members to support the campus will be reduced to 3 staff members instead of the original 10 discussed at the Emergency Principals’ Meeting on Thursday, March 19, 2020 (Principal, Secretary, and Head Custodian). If your secretary or head custodian are not able to report to work due to caring for others or due to illness, you may ask for volunteers to assist you during the hours of 8:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.
B. The distribution of packets will begin on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, and will continue through April 3, 2020. We encourage Principals to disseminate the packets throughout the day to avoid a large number of parents coming in at the same time. (Suggestions: By Grade Level and Alphabet Distribution Time Frames will be from 8:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
C. In the event we have to extend the school closures beyond April 3, 2020, we will be moving to all three remote/online platforms: Microsoft Teams, Google Classroom to include Google Hangout, and Apple Teacher. Electronic Devices will be distributed at parent request between 8:30 a.m-1:30 p.m.
D. During the next two weeks, BISD teachers, need to prepare for the long term online learning by ensuring certification on one of the following remote learning platforms: Microsoft, Google, or Apple Teacher applications. Please note: SeeSaw, Nearpod, Canvas, Classdojo, Blackboard, and Remind are other platforms that support remote learning and are welcomed. The goal is to become a multi-digital teacher in a time where remote learning might extend beyond these two weeks. For technical assistance, please contact the ISET Department at (956)554-4773 or email Denise Gallegos at, Lorena Martinez at Please also visit the following websites to link your teachers directly to the online certification platforms. All learning platforms are self-paced and are online. Teachers are expected to be certified no later than April 3, 2020.
1. Microsoft Certified Educator:
2. Google Teacher Certification:
3. Apple Teacher:
E. The Child Nutrition Meals program remains the same as discussed at the Emergency Called Principals’ Meeting on Thursday, March 19, 2020. Meals will be on a curbside pick-up basis. A designated location for walk-ups has been identified at each campus. Students must be present to receive a meal. Please take all precautionary measures when distributing the meals.
F. The Maintenance and Warehouse Department will be distributing latex gloves, masks, and hand sanitizers. Please note masks are limited in the country, so please secure your mask during the week of distribution. Schedule is forthcoming as to the time you may pick-up the supplies at the Warehouse Department. Please continue to check for updates via email on a periodic basis.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding of these changes to our plan. We will be adjusting as needed as new developments arise. Please continue to take precautionary measures and keep safe.
Dr. Rene Gutierrez Superintendent of Schools
Food and Nutrition Services: Drive Thru Meals / Update: 03/27/2020
Weekly Menus: Please note the these are subject to change based on availability of foods.”
View the Food and Nutrition Services menus.
View the Food and Nutrition Services menus.
BISD Superintendent Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates: March 24, 2020
Thursday, March 19, 2020
COVID -19 Update 03-23-2020
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Dear Brownsville ISD students and staff,
Dear Brownsville ISD students and staff,
In light of these latest developments, Brownsville ISD has decided to close its schools after Spring Break two additional weeks as a precautionary measure.
In an effort to continue to serve our students and community, our district is offering the following services:
Campus and District Administration Campus and district administrators, along with a skeleton crew, will be available on each campus and the administration building from 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday. If you have questions, please call the respective campus administrator. Business Office staff will carry business matters such as payments and staff payroll.
Food Services
BISD operations staff will be working to make sure that every child who depends on the district’s free lunch program will continue to receive their meals. We have strategically identified the following twelve locations where breakfast and lunch can be picked up from 11:30 am – 1:00 p.m. When picking up a meal, the child(ren) must be in the vehicle. 1) Besteiro Middle School
2) Castaneda Elementary
3) Central Administration Building (CAB)
4) Hanna Early College High School
5) Lopez Early College High School
6) Manzano Middle School
7) Morningside Elementary
8) Pace Early College High School
9) Porter Early College High School
10) Pullam Elementary
11) Rivera Early College High School
12) Vela Middle School
Transportation Services In some cases, the Child Nutrition Dept. will prepare food in a centralized location. Bus drivers will deliver meals to all the campuses listed above.
Custodial Employees Custodial staff will continue to clean and disinfect district facilities.
Police and Security Services BISD will continue to provide security services throughout the district.
If there are any changes we will pass the information along to you. Please continue to follow preventive measures at home. Thank you for your patience and support.
Estimados estudiantes y personal de Brownsville ISD,
A causa de los acontecimientos de (COVID-19), Brownsville ISD ha decidido cerrar sus escuelas después de las vacaciones de primavera otorgando dos semanas adicionales como medida de precaución.
En un esfuerzo por continuar sirviendo a nuestros estudiantes y la comunidad, nuestro distrito ofrece los siguientes servicios:
Administración Distrital y Escolar Los administradores de las escuelas y del distrito, junto con un equipo selecto, estarán disponibles en cada campus y en el edificio administrativo de 8:00 a.m. a 2:00 p.m., de lunes a viernes. Si tiene preguntas, llame al administrador respectivo de la escuela. El personal de la Oficina Central se encargará de asuntos comerciales como pagos y nómina del personal.
Servicios de Comida El personal de operaciones de BISD trabajará para asegurarse de que los estudiantes que dependen del programa de almuerzo gratuito del distrito continúen recibiendo sus comidas. Identificamos estratégicamente los siguientes doce lugares donde se puede recoger el desayuno y el almuerzo de 11:30 a.m. a 1:00 p.m. Al recoger una comida, los estudiantes deben estar en el vehículo. 1) Besteiro Middle School
2) Castañeda Elementary
3) Central Administration Building (CAB)
4) Hanna Early College High School
5) Lopez Early College High School
6) Manzano Middle School
7) Morningside Elementary
8) Pace Early College High School
9) Porter Early College High School
10) Pullam Elementary
11) Rivera Early College High School
12) Vela Middle School
Servicio de Transporte En algunos casos, el Departamento de Servicos de Alimentos y Nutrición preparará los alimentos en un lugar centralizado. Los conductores de los autobuses entregarán comidas a todas las escuelas mencionadas anteriormente.
Mantenimiento El personal de mantenimiento continuará limpiando y desinfectando las instalaciones del distrito.
Servicio de Policía y Seguridad BISD continuará brindando servicios de seguirdad en todo el distrito.
Si hay algún cambio, le pasaremos la informacion. Continúe siguiendo las mediadas preventivas en su hogar. Gracias por su paciencia y apoyo.
In light of these latest developments, Brownsville ISD has decided to close its schools after Spring Break two additional weeks as a precautionary measure.
In an effort to continue to serve our students and community, our district is offering the following services:
Campus and District Administration Campus and district administrators, along with a skeleton crew, will be available on each campus and the administration building from 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday. If you have questions, please call the respective campus administrator. Business Office staff will carry business matters such as payments and staff payroll.
Food Services
BISD operations staff will be working to make sure that every child who depends on the district’s free lunch program will continue to receive their meals. We have strategically identified the following twelve locations where breakfast and lunch can be picked up from 11:30 am – 1:00 p.m. When picking up a meal, the child(ren) must be in the vehicle. 1) Besteiro Middle School
2) Castaneda Elementary
3) Central Administration Building (CAB)
4) Hanna Early College High School
5) Lopez Early College High School
6) Manzano Middle School
7) Morningside Elementary
8) Pace Early College High School
9) Porter Early College High School
10) Pullam Elementary
11) Rivera Early College High School
12) Vela Middle School
Transportation Services In some cases, the Child Nutrition Dept. will prepare food in a centralized location. Bus drivers will deliver meals to all the campuses listed above.
Custodial Employees Custodial staff will continue to clean and disinfect district facilities.
Police and Security Services BISD will continue to provide security services throughout the district.
If there are any changes we will pass the information along to you. Please continue to follow preventive measures at home. Thank you for your patience and support.
Estimados estudiantes y personal de Brownsville ISD,
A causa de los acontecimientos de (COVID-19), Brownsville ISD ha decidido cerrar sus escuelas después de las vacaciones de primavera otorgando dos semanas adicionales como medida de precaución.
En un esfuerzo por continuar sirviendo a nuestros estudiantes y la comunidad, nuestro distrito ofrece los siguientes servicios:
Administración Distrital y Escolar Los administradores de las escuelas y del distrito, junto con un equipo selecto, estarán disponibles en cada campus y en el edificio administrativo de 8:00 a.m. a 2:00 p.m., de lunes a viernes. Si tiene preguntas, llame al administrador respectivo de la escuela. El personal de la Oficina Central se encargará de asuntos comerciales como pagos y nómina del personal.
Servicios de Comida El personal de operaciones de BISD trabajará para asegurarse de que los estudiantes que dependen del programa de almuerzo gratuito del distrito continúen recibiendo sus comidas. Identificamos estratégicamente los siguientes doce lugares donde se puede recoger el desayuno y el almuerzo de 11:30 a.m. a 1:00 p.m. Al recoger una comida, los estudiantes deben estar en el vehículo. 1) Besteiro Middle School
2) Castañeda Elementary
3) Central Administration Building (CAB)
4) Hanna Early College High School
5) Lopez Early College High School
6) Manzano Middle School
7) Morningside Elementary
8) Pace Early College High School
9) Porter Early College High School
10) Pullam Elementary
11) Rivera Early College High School
12) Vela Middle School
Servicio de Transporte En algunos casos, el Departamento de Servicos de Alimentos y Nutrición preparará los alimentos en un lugar centralizado. Los conductores de los autobuses entregarán comidas a todas las escuelas mencionadas anteriormente.
Mantenimiento El personal de mantenimiento continuará limpiando y desinfectando las instalaciones del distrito.
Servicio de Policía y Seguridad BISD continuará brindando servicios de seguirdad en todo el distrito.
Si hay algún cambio, le pasaremos la informacion. Continúe siguiendo las mediadas preventivas en su hogar. Gracias por su paciencia y apoyo.
BISD Resolution #020/19-20: COVID 19 (March 18, 2020)
COVID-19 Schedule / Procedures Update: With the health and safety of BISD students and personnel of the utmost priority, and in light of the evolving circumstances created by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Brownsville Independent School District has adopted additional procedures and has modified schedules accordingly. Classes have been cancelled through April 3, 2020. Teachers do not report for duty at least through April 3, 2020.
Starting Monday, March 23rd, campus teams led by the principal and limited to no more than 10 people will report to the schools from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM. During this time principals may call on other essential staff if the need arises. Instructional support for all students will be provided through instructional packets and distance/remote learning. Principals will be sending a message to the students’ families indicating the time and process for picking up the printed packets.
The links to access the online packets will become active on Monday, March 23rd.Teachers will communicate with their students using tools such as ClassDojo, Seesaw, Remind, Google Classroom, and Microsoft Teams. Also starting Monday March 23rd, meals will be available for pick up from 11:30 to 1:00 at 1) Besteiro Middle School, 2) Castañeda Elementary, 3) CAB – Central Administration Building, 4) Hanna ECHS, 5) Lopez ECHS, 6) Manzano Middle School, 7) Morningside Elementary, 8) Pace ECHS, 9) Porter ECHS, 10) Pullam Elementary, 11) Rivera ECHS, and 12) Vela Middle School. A meal will be allocated for each child in the vehicle.
Please access the BISD website- CoronaVirus Instructional Support links for additional information. Again, the parent links to access the instructional packets will become active on March 23rd.
View the information
Starting Monday, March 23rd, campus teams led by the principal and limited to no more than 10 people will report to the schools from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM. During this time principals may call on other essential staff if the need arises. Instructional support for all students will be provided through instructional packets and distance/remote learning. Principals will be sending a message to the students’ families indicating the time and process for picking up the printed packets.
The links to access the online packets will become active on Monday, March 23rd.Teachers will communicate with their students using tools such as ClassDojo, Seesaw, Remind, Google Classroom, and Microsoft Teams. Also starting Monday March 23rd, meals will be available for pick up from 11:30 to 1:00 at 1) Besteiro Middle School, 2) Castañeda Elementary, 3) CAB – Central Administration Building, 4) Hanna ECHS, 5) Lopez ECHS, 6) Manzano Middle School, 7) Morningside Elementary, 8) Pace ECHS, 9) Porter ECHS, 10) Pullam Elementary, 11) Rivera ECHS, and 12) Vela Middle School. A meal will be allocated for each child in the vehicle.
Please access the BISD website- CoronaVirus Instructional Support links for additional information. Again, the parent links to access the instructional packets will become active on March 23rd.
View the information
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Dr. Rene Gutierrez, Superintendent, has announced this morning that classes for BISD will be suspended for an additional week. He added that the situation will be evaluated this coming Wednesday, March 25, 2020 to determine when the students will return.
Thursday, March 12, 2020
Student and District Travel: Superintendent's Message: UPDATE 2:46PM
BISD Superintendent, Dr. Rene Gutierrez, announced today that all student travel outside of Region One/Rio Grande Valley is cancelled until further notice. He reminded the community that there are no confirmed cases of the coronavirus in Cameron County nor in any surrounding counties.
BISD - Spring Break will not be extended an extra week. Classes will resume as scheduled on Monday, March 23, 2020.
BISD - Spring Break will not be extended an extra week. Classes will resume as scheduled on Monday, March 23, 2020.
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Regional History Day Results
We are pleased to announce that a total of sixty-five secondary students will be advancing to Texas History Day on April 25, 2020. This comes as a result of their outstanding participation at the Rio Grande Valley Regional History Day which took place on Saturday, February 15, 2020 at UTRGV Brownsville. All students and entries have been confirmed and certified by Regional History Day coordinator Dr. Michael Faubion. View Awards List.
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