After carefully evaluating the most recent recommendations from the Health Department this past weekend, the Brownsville Independent School District has modified the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Plan of Action that was discussed on March 19, 2020, during Emergency Principals’ Meeting. Please note the following adjustments:
A. The required number of staff members to support the campus will be reduced to 3 staff members instead of the original 10 discussed at the Emergency Principals’ Meeting on Thursday, March 19, 2020 (Principal, Secretary, and Head Custodian). If your secretary or head custodian are not able to report to work due to caring for others or due to illness, you may ask for volunteers to assist you during the hours of 8:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.
B. The distribution of packets will begin on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, and will continue through April 3, 2020. We encourage Principals to disseminate the packets throughout the day to avoid a large number of parents coming in at the same time. (Suggestions: By Grade Level and Alphabet Distribution Time Frames will be from 8:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
C. In the event we have to extend the school closures beyond April 3, 2020, we will be moving to all three remote/online platforms: Microsoft Teams, Google Classroom to include Google Hangout, and Apple Teacher. Electronic Devices will be distributed at parent request between 8:30 a.m-1:30 p.m.
D. During the next two weeks, BISD teachers, need to prepare for the long term online learning by ensuring certification on one of the following remote learning platforms: Microsoft, Google, or Apple Teacher applications. Please note: SeeSaw, Nearpod, Canvas, Classdojo, Blackboard, and Remind are other platforms that support remote learning and are welcomed. The goal is to become a multi-digital teacher in a time where remote learning might extend beyond these two weeks. For technical assistance, please contact the ISET Department at (956)554-4773 or email Denise Gallegos at, Lorena Martinez at Please also visit the following websites to link your teachers directly to the online certification platforms. All learning platforms are self-paced and are online. Teachers are expected to be certified no later than April 3, 2020.
1. Microsoft Certified Educator:
2. Google Teacher Certification:
3. Apple Teacher:
E. The Child Nutrition Meals program remains the same as discussed at the Emergency Called Principals’ Meeting on Thursday, March 19, 2020. Meals will be on a curbside pick-up basis. A designated location for walk-ups has been identified at each campus. Students must be present to receive a meal. Please take all precautionary measures when distributing the meals.
F. The Maintenance and Warehouse Department will be distributing latex gloves, masks, and hand sanitizers. Please note masks are limited in the country, so please secure your mask during the week of distribution. Schedule is forthcoming as to the time you may pick-up the supplies at the Warehouse Department. Please continue to check for updates via email on a periodic basis.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding of these changes to our plan. We will be adjusting as needed as new developments arise. Please continue to take precautionary measures and keep safe.
Dr. Rene Gutierrez
Superintendent of Schools
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