COVID-19 Schedule / Procedures Update: With the health and safety of BISD students and personnel of the utmost priority, and in light of the evolving circumstances created by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Brownsville Independent School District has adopted additional procedures and has modified schedules accordingly. Classes have been cancelled through April 3, 2020. Teachers do not report for duty at least through April 3, 2020.
Starting Monday, March 23rd, campus teams led by the principal and limited to no more than 10 people will report to the schools from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM. During this time principals may call on other essential staff if the need arises.
Instructional support for all students will be provided through instructional packets and distance/remote learning. Principals will be sending a message to the students’ families indicating the time and process for picking up the printed packets.
The links to access the online packets will become active on Monday, March 23rd.Teachers will communicate with their students using tools such as ClassDojo, Seesaw, Remind, Google Classroom, and Microsoft Teams.
Also starting Monday March 23rd, meals will be available for pick up from 11:30 to 1:00 at 1) Besteiro Middle School, 2) CastaƱeda Elementary, 3) CAB – Central Administration Building, 4) Hanna ECHS, 5) Lopez ECHS, 6) Manzano Middle School, 7) Morningside Elementary, 8) Pace ECHS, 9) Porter ECHS, 10) Pullam Elementary, 11) Rivera ECHS, and 12) Vela Middle School. A meal will be allocated for each child in the vehicle.
Please access the BISD website- CoronaVirus Instructional Support links for additional information. Again, the parent links to access the instructional packets will become active on March 23rd.
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