The C&I department would like to congratulate all the students and sponsors that participated at the 2019 - 2020 High School District Science Fair that took place on Saturday, December 14, 2019 at Rivera ECHS. We had 210 projects with a total of 329 students competing in 22 categories. Attached is the list of the students that placed first through fifth in their respective categories. The top three projects in each category are eligible to advance to the Regional competition taking place on Feb. 14 -15, 2020 at the UTRGV Brownsville Campus pending IRB/SRC approval.
We would like to thank Ms. Norma Canales, Principal at Rivera ECHS, the Administrative Team, the Science Department, and Staff for hosting this event. They did an awesome job. A special thank you to Emilio Barrientos, Haydee Torres and Farely Trevino, for helping coordinate this event.
View the results.
Brownsville ISD to host Second Vaccination Clinic on Friday, March 12
March 9, 2021 To: Faculty and Staff RE: Brownsville ISD Vaccination Clinic Dear Faculty and Staff, Brownsville ISD will be...

View the winners of the Middle School District Science Fair held on Dec. 7, 2019 at Lopez ECHS hosted by Lucio MS. The top three winners pe...
March 9, 2021 To: Faculty and Staff RE: Brownsville ISD Vaccination Clinic Dear Faculty and Staff, Brownsville ISD will be...