Monday, December 7, 2020
Substitute Training
As the COVID-19 Pandemic runs its course, we at Brownsville I.S.D. are implementing measures that will safeguard its students, teachers, and staff. Teachers have resumed face-to-face and continue with remote instruction for distance learning. We will be offering training for the following instructional platforms.
1. Google Classroom
2. Seesaw
The deadline to register for this training will be on December 7, 2020, at 4:00 pm. Training will be held on December 9, 2020, and December 10, 2020, at 9:00 am. This training will be virtual, and you will need to have internet and a BISD email account. Training will be recorded for later viewing.
If you do not wish to participate in the distance learning platform, you will not be taken off the substitute list. Once we go back to full “Live Instruction,” we will activate your status as long as your Letter of Assurance and yearly mandatory online training was completed.
Please click on the following link to register for this training:
For more information contact Sandy Melendez at the Human Resource Department at (956) 698-1225.
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