BISD will continue to operate in Phase III Plan of Action by modifying work schedules during the summer months. Per Governor Abbott’s latest guidelines: • June 3, 2020 - Phase III is in effect by allowing businesses to operate at 50% capacity with limited exceptions.
Campuses, Facilities, and Central Administration Building will continue to adhere to the following guidelines during the Summer Work Schedules:
a. Ensure six feet of social distancing is in place at all times
b. Handwashing and sanitizing will continue and is required
c. Masks and gloves are strongly recommended and encouraged

*Staff will be on a rotating schedule to either report to work or work from home due to adherence of social distance guidelines, capacity, and limitations of space as approved by your supervisor.
*All staff are expected to be CONSISTENT with this plan.
*All staff is to take the responsibility to clean and sanitize your areas daily.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding of this new updated plan. We will continue to adjust as needed based on new developments.
Dr. René Gutiérrez
Superintendent of Schools