Keep your family safe this 4th of July! Avoid groups larger than 10; stay home if you can; wash your hands; wear a mask; stay 6 feet apart. Do your part!
¡Mantén a tu familia segura este 4 de julio! Evite grupos mayores de 10 personas; quédese en casa si puede; lávarse las manos; usa una máscara; mantente a 6 pies de distancia. ¡Haz tu parte!
Tuesday, June 30, 2020
Monday, June 29, 2020
Thursday, June 25, 2020
BISD Approves $558 million Budget for 2020-2021 School Year
The Brownsville Independent School District (BISD) announces today that the Board of Trustees successfully approved an operating budget for the 2020-2021 school year that was recommended by the administration.
The board unanimously adopted the budget after a public hearing at a special-called meeting Thursday, June 25. BISD is required by law to adopt a balanced budget before July 1, the beginning of the district’s fiscal year.
“I was very pleased and satisfied to present a balanced budget to the Board of Trustees for the next school,” said Dr. René Gutiérrez, superintendent of schools of BISD. “These past few months have been hard work and due diligence working with our finance and human resources departments.”
BISD is projected to receive over $470 million in state and local revenues this year and over $88 million from federal programs.
The board also approved the employee compensation plan for the 2020-2021 school year, which will include a three percent raise for teachers and a raise for classified personnel. Adjustments were also made for all employees to be above one percent of the minimum pay grade, which was recommended by the Texas Association of School Boards.
The Board Meeting on June 25 included one last round of public discussion prior to adoption of the budget.
For more information, contact the Brownsville Independent School District at 956.548.8000.
The board unanimously adopted the budget after a public hearing at a special-called meeting Thursday, June 25. BISD is required by law to adopt a balanced budget before July 1, the beginning of the district’s fiscal year.
“I was very pleased and satisfied to present a balanced budget to the Board of Trustees for the next school,” said Dr. René Gutiérrez, superintendent of schools of BISD. “These past few months have been hard work and due diligence working with our finance and human resources departments.”
BISD is projected to receive over $470 million in state and local revenues this year and over $88 million from federal programs.
The board also approved the employee compensation plan for the 2020-2021 school year, which will include a three percent raise for teachers and a raise for classified personnel. Adjustments were also made for all employees to be above one percent of the minimum pay grade, which was recommended by the Texas Association of School Boards.
The Board Meeting on June 25 included one last round of public discussion prior to adoption of the budget.
For more information, contact the Brownsville Independent School District at 956.548.8000.
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
BISD Confirms Additional COVID-19 Cases
The closure of Porter ECHS will not effect meal production and distribution. Meals will continue to be served to students. For more information, call (956) 548-8000
Monday, June 22, 2020
P-EBT Now Open
Flyer: English | Spanish
P-EBT How to Apply One-Pager: English | Spanish
Dear Parent or Guardian,
Your household may be eligible to receive Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer (P-EBT) benefits to buy food. P-EBT is for children 5-18 years old who received SNAP food benefits for the month of March 2020 and children up to 21 years old who are certified for free or reduced-price meals at school in Texas during the 2019-20 school year. Children that attend a school that offers free meals to all students (Community Eligibility Provision or Provision 2) are also eligible.
The online application for P-EBT is now open. Please review the criteria to see if you need to apply to receive these benefits. The application link is provided below.
Do I need to apply for P-EBT?
Families that DID NOT get SNAP benefits for the month of March 2020
• Yes, you will need to apply.
• Fill out an application here:
• The application is open until June 30, 2020.
• If you do not currently get SNAP benefits and your child is approved for P-EBT, you will be mailed a P-EBT card loaded with benefits.
Families that DID get SNAP benefits for the month of March 2020
• You do not need to apply for children ages 5-18. Benefits were loaded onto your existing SNAP card by May 22.
• If you have children under 5 and/or between the ages of 19 and 21, you will need to fill out an application for those children. Fill out an application here:
• If you get SNAP benefits and your child is approved for P-EBT, we will put funds on your current Lone Star Card.
P-EBT is a one-time benefit for families issued through an EBT card (like a debit card). Families receive up to $285 per eligible child. You will have one year from the date the benefits were issued to use your P-EBT benefits. P-EBT benefits are non-transferrable.
If you need help filling out the P-EBT application, please contact is 833-613-6220. For more information, please visit or call is 833-613-6220.
Brownsville Independent School District
Estimado/a padre, madre o tutor:
Su hogar puede ser elegible para recibir los beneficios de la Transferencia Electrónica de Beneficios por Pandemia (P-EBT, por sus siglas en inglés) para comprar alimentos. La P-EBT es para niños de 5 a 18 años que recibieron beneficios de alimentos del SNAP para el mes de marzo de 2020 y para niños de hasta 21 años que estén certificados para recibir comidas gratuitas o a precio reducido en la escuela en Texas durante el año escolar 2019-20. También son elegibles los niños que asisten a una escuela que ofrece comidas gratuitas a todos los estudiantes (Disposición de Elegibilidad de la Comunidad o Disposición 2).
Se encuentra disponible la solicitud en línea de la P-EBT. Revise los criterios para saber si necesita presentar una solicitud para recibir estos beneficios. A continuación se encuentra el enlace a la solicitud.
¿Necesito presentar una solicitud para la P-EBT?
Las familias que NO recibieron beneficios del SNAP para el mes de marzo de 2020
• Sí, necesitará presentar una solicitud.
• Complete una solicitud aquí:
• La solicitud está disponible hasta el 30 de junio de 2020.
• Si actualmente no recibe beneficios del SNAP y su hijo recibe la aprobación para la P-EBT, se le enviará por correo una tarjeta de P-EBT cargada de beneficios.
Las familias que SÍ recibieron beneficios del SNAP para el mes de marzo de 2020
• No necesita presentar una solicitud para los niños de 5 a 18 años. Los beneficios se cargaron en su tarjeta del SNAP existente antes del 22 de mayo.
• Si tiene hijos menores de 5 años o entre 19 y 21 años, necesitará completar una solicitud para esos niños. Complete una solicitud aquí:
• Si recibe beneficios del SNAP y su hijo recibe la aprobación para la P-EBT, pondremos los fondos en su tarjeta Lone Star actual.
La P-EBT es un beneficio único para familias emitido a través de una tarjeta de EBT (como una tarjeta de débito). Las familias reciben hasta $285 por cada niño elegible. A partir de la fecha en que se emitieron los beneficios, tendrá un año para usar sus beneficios de la P-EBT. Los beneficios de la P-EBT no son transferibles.
Si necesita ayuda para completar la solicitud de la P-EBT, llame al 833-613-6220. Para obtener más información, visite o llame al 833-613-6220.
Distrito Escolar Independiente de Brownsville
P-EBT How to Apply One-Pager: English | Spanish
Dear Parent or Guardian,
Your household may be eligible to receive Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer (P-EBT) benefits to buy food. P-EBT is for children 5-18 years old who received SNAP food benefits for the month of March 2020 and children up to 21 years old who are certified for free or reduced-price meals at school in Texas during the 2019-20 school year. Children that attend a school that offers free meals to all students (Community Eligibility Provision or Provision 2) are also eligible.
The online application for P-EBT is now open. Please review the criteria to see if you need to apply to receive these benefits. The application link is provided below.
Do I need to apply for P-EBT?
Families that DID NOT get SNAP benefits for the month of March 2020
• Yes, you will need to apply.
• Fill out an application here:
• The application is open until June 30, 2020.
• If you do not currently get SNAP benefits and your child is approved for P-EBT, you will be mailed a P-EBT card loaded with benefits.
Families that DID get SNAP benefits for the month of March 2020
• You do not need to apply for children ages 5-18. Benefits were loaded onto your existing SNAP card by May 22.
• If you have children under 5 and/or between the ages of 19 and 21, you will need to fill out an application for those children. Fill out an application here:
• If you get SNAP benefits and your child is approved for P-EBT, we will put funds on your current Lone Star Card.
P-EBT is a one-time benefit for families issued through an EBT card (like a debit card). Families receive up to $285 per eligible child. You will have one year from the date the benefits were issued to use your P-EBT benefits. P-EBT benefits are non-transferrable.
If you need help filling out the P-EBT application, please contact is 833-613-6220. For more information, please visit or call is 833-613-6220.
Brownsville Independent School District
Estimado/a padre, madre o tutor:
Su hogar puede ser elegible para recibir los beneficios de la Transferencia Electrónica de Beneficios por Pandemia (P-EBT, por sus siglas en inglés) para comprar alimentos. La P-EBT es para niños de 5 a 18 años que recibieron beneficios de alimentos del SNAP para el mes de marzo de 2020 y para niños de hasta 21 años que estén certificados para recibir comidas gratuitas o a precio reducido en la escuela en Texas durante el año escolar 2019-20. También son elegibles los niños que asisten a una escuela que ofrece comidas gratuitas a todos los estudiantes (Disposición de Elegibilidad de la Comunidad o Disposición 2).
Se encuentra disponible la solicitud en línea de la P-EBT. Revise los criterios para saber si necesita presentar una solicitud para recibir estos beneficios. A continuación se encuentra el enlace a la solicitud.
¿Necesito presentar una solicitud para la P-EBT?
Las familias que NO recibieron beneficios del SNAP para el mes de marzo de 2020
• Sí, necesitará presentar una solicitud.
• Complete una solicitud aquí:
• La solicitud está disponible hasta el 30 de junio de 2020.
• Si actualmente no recibe beneficios del SNAP y su hijo recibe la aprobación para la P-EBT, se le enviará por correo una tarjeta de P-EBT cargada de beneficios.
Las familias que SÍ recibieron beneficios del SNAP para el mes de marzo de 2020
• No necesita presentar una solicitud para los niños de 5 a 18 años. Los beneficios se cargaron en su tarjeta del SNAP existente antes del 22 de mayo.
• Si tiene hijos menores de 5 años o entre 19 y 21 años, necesitará completar una solicitud para esos niños. Complete una solicitud aquí:
• Si recibe beneficios del SNAP y su hijo recibe la aprobación para la P-EBT, pondremos los fondos en su tarjeta Lone Star actual.
La P-EBT es un beneficio único para familias emitido a través de una tarjeta de EBT (como una tarjeta de débito). Las familias reciben hasta $285 por cada niño elegible. A partir de la fecha en que se emitieron los beneficios, tendrá un año para usar sus beneficios de la P-EBT. Los beneficios de la P-EBT no son transferibles.
Si necesita ayuda para completar la solicitud de la P-EBT, llame al 833-613-6220. Para obtener más información, visite o llame al 833-613-6220.
Distrito Escolar Independiente de Brownsville
Thursday, June 18, 2020
BISD Confirms COVID-19 Case - Rivera ECHS ( Second male athlete student )
June 18, 2020
To: Brownsville ISD Parents and Staff,
The Brownsville Independent School District has been notified that a second male athlete student who attends Rivera Early College High School has tested positive for COVID-19.
Rivera has been deeply sanitized and although schools have been closed since June 15, 2020, and remain closed at this time, all BISD students and employees are instructed to continue to follow CDC guidelines and recommendations and to practice social distancing.
The following are symptoms of COVID-19:
1.) Cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
2.) Chills, repeated trembling with chills
3.) Headache, muscle pain, sore throat
4.) Red eyes
5.) Diarrhea
6.) Feeling feverish or a temperature measure greater than or equal to 100 degrees Fahrenheit
If you exhibit any of the above symptoms, seek medical attention and advise your athletic coach of your results. Based on the information that we have gathered, it has been determined that the end of the 14-day incubation period for anyone possibly exposed on campus to the student is June 25, 2020.
Out of an abundance of caution, we advise you to monitor your health, follow the CDC guidelines for people who have had close contact and contact your primary care physician if you develop symptoms.
Rest assured, the health and safety of our students and employees is our first priority. If you have any questions, or need more information regarding this matter, please contact Gilbert Leal, athletic administrator of BISD.
BISD is continuing to monitor this situation and will provide additional information as needed. We hope for a speedy recovery for our BISD student.
Dr. René Gutiérrez
Superintendent of Schools
To: Brownsville ISD Parents and Staff,
The Brownsville Independent School District has been notified that a second male athlete student who attends Rivera Early College High School has tested positive for COVID-19.
Rivera has been deeply sanitized and although schools have been closed since June 15, 2020, and remain closed at this time, all BISD students and employees are instructed to continue to follow CDC guidelines and recommendations and to practice social distancing.
The following are symptoms of COVID-19:
1.) Cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
2.) Chills, repeated trembling with chills
3.) Headache, muscle pain, sore throat
4.) Red eyes
5.) Diarrhea
6.) Feeling feverish or a temperature measure greater than or equal to 100 degrees Fahrenheit
If you exhibit any of the above symptoms, seek medical attention and advise your athletic coach of your results. Based on the information that we have gathered, it has been determined that the end of the 14-day incubation period for anyone possibly exposed on campus to the student is June 25, 2020.
Out of an abundance of caution, we advise you to monitor your health, follow the CDC guidelines for people who have had close contact and contact your primary care physician if you develop symptoms.
Rest assured, the health and safety of our students and employees is our first priority. If you have any questions, or need more information regarding this matter, please contact Gilbert Leal, athletic administrator of BISD.
BISD is continuing to monitor this situation and will provide additional information as needed. We hope for a speedy recovery for our BISD student.
Dr. René Gutiérrez
Superintendent of Schools
BISD Confirms COVID-19 Case - Rivera ECHS
June 18, 2020
To: Brownsville ISD Parents and Staff,
The Brownsville Independent School District has been notified that a male athlete student who attends Rivera Early College High School has tested positive for COVID-19.
Rivera has been deeply sanitized and although schools have been closed since June 15, 2020, and remain closed at this time, all BISD students and employees are instructed to continue to follow CDC guidelines and recommendations and to practice social distancing.
The following are symptoms of COVID-19:
1.) Cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
2.) Chills, repeated trembling with chills
3.) Headache, muscle pain, sore throat
4.) Red eyes
5.) Diarrhea
6.) Feeling feverish or a temperature measure greater than or equal to 100 degrees Fahrenheit
If you exhibit any of the above symptoms, seek medical attention and advise your athletic coach of your results. Based on the information that we have gathered, it has been determined that the end of the 14-day incubation period for anyone possibly exposed on campus to the student is June 25, 2020.
Out of an abundance of caution, we advise you to monitor your health, follow the CDC guidelines for people who have had close contact and contact your primary care physician if you develop symptoms.
Rest assured, the health and safety of our students and employees is our first priority. If you have any questions, or need more information regarding this matter, please contact Gilbert Leal, athletic administrator of BISD.
BISD is continuing to monitor this situation and will provide additional information as needed. We hope for a speedy recovery for our BISD student.
Dr. René Gutiérrez
Superintendent of Schools
To: Brownsville ISD Parents and Staff,
The Brownsville Independent School District has been notified that a male athlete student who attends Rivera Early College High School has tested positive for COVID-19.
Rivera has been deeply sanitized and although schools have been closed since June 15, 2020, and remain closed at this time, all BISD students and employees are instructed to continue to follow CDC guidelines and recommendations and to practice social distancing.
The following are symptoms of COVID-19:
1.) Cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
2.) Chills, repeated trembling with chills
3.) Headache, muscle pain, sore throat
4.) Red eyes
5.) Diarrhea
6.) Feeling feverish or a temperature measure greater than or equal to 100 degrees Fahrenheit
If you exhibit any of the above symptoms, seek medical attention and advise your athletic coach of your results. Based on the information that we have gathered, it has been determined that the end of the 14-day incubation period for anyone possibly exposed on campus to the student is June 25, 2020.
Out of an abundance of caution, we advise you to monitor your health, follow the CDC guidelines for people who have had close contact and contact your primary care physician if you develop symptoms.
Rest assured, the health and safety of our students and employees is our first priority. If you have any questions, or need more information regarding this matter, please contact Gilbert Leal, athletic administrator of BISD.
BISD is continuing to monitor this situation and will provide additional information as needed. We hope for a speedy recovery for our BISD student.
Dr. René Gutiérrez
Superintendent of Schools
Wednesday, June 17, 2020
BISD Confirms COVID-19 Case - Breeden and Champion Elementary
To: Employees of Breeden and Champion Elementary
RE: Closing of Campuses at Breeden and Champion Elementary
It has come to our attention that a BISD employee recently tested positive for COVID-19. Although we are not aware of any other employee that has tested positive, in an abundance of caution, we will be closing Breeden and Champion Elementary from June 18, 2020, through June 24, 2020. The Brownsville Independent School District will take the opportunity to clean and disinfect the campuses and ensure a safe environment at the school when it reopens on June 25, 2020.
The following are symptoms of COVID-19:
1.) Cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
2.) Chills, repeated trembling with chills
3.) Headache, muscle pain, sore throat
4.) Red eyes
5.) Diarrhea
6.) Feeling feverish or a temperature measure greater than or equal to 100 degrees Fahrenheit
If you exhibit any of the above symptoms, do not report to work on June 25, 2020. Instead, seek medical attention and let your campus principal know of your situation.
As stated, Breeden and Champion Elementary will be closed this week and employees will continue to work from home. If you can not return on June 25, 2020, please contact your immediate supervisor to discuss alternative work options.
Rest assured, the health and safety of our employees is our first priority. If you have any questions, or need more information regarding this matter, please contact Mandy G. Delgado, principal of Breeden Elementary, Ricardo Torres, Jr., principal of Champion Elementary, or Carmelita Rodriguez, assistant superintendent of human resources.
Very truly yours,
Dr. René Gutiérrez
Superintendent of Schools
RE: Closing of Campuses at Breeden and Champion Elementary
It has come to our attention that a BISD employee recently tested positive for COVID-19. Although we are not aware of any other employee that has tested positive, in an abundance of caution, we will be closing Breeden and Champion Elementary from June 18, 2020, through June 24, 2020. The Brownsville Independent School District will take the opportunity to clean and disinfect the campuses and ensure a safe environment at the school when it reopens on June 25, 2020.
The following are symptoms of COVID-19:
1.) Cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
2.) Chills, repeated trembling with chills
3.) Headache, muscle pain, sore throat
4.) Red eyes
5.) Diarrhea
6.) Feeling feverish or a temperature measure greater than or equal to 100 degrees Fahrenheit
If you exhibit any of the above symptoms, do not report to work on June 25, 2020. Instead, seek medical attention and let your campus principal know of your situation.
As stated, Breeden and Champion Elementary will be closed this week and employees will continue to work from home. If you can not return on June 25, 2020, please contact your immediate supervisor to discuss alternative work options.
Rest assured, the health and safety of our employees is our first priority. If you have any questions, or need more information regarding this matter, please contact Mandy G. Delgado, principal of Breeden Elementary, Ricardo Torres, Jr., principal of Champion Elementary, or Carmelita Rodriguez, assistant superintendent of human resources.
Very truly yours,
Dr. René Gutiérrez
Superintendent of Schools
Tuesday, June 16, 2020
BISD Postpones Strength and Conditioning Program
June 16, 2020
To: Brownsville ISD Coaches and Student Athletes
RE: Postponement of BISD Strength and Conditioning
It has come to our attention that a student athlete in one of our high schools recently tested positive for COVID-19. Although we are not aware of any other coaches or athletes that has tested positive, in an abundance of caution, we will be postponing all BISD Strength and Conditioning programs and effective immediately.
The Brownsville Independent School District will take the opportunity to reevaluate information from all federal, state, and local agencies. Upon evaluation, BISD will plan to reinstate its program on July 13, 2020. All BISD students will not be allowed on campus until further notice.
Rest assured, the health and safety of our coaches and athletes is our first priority. If you have any questions, or need more information regarding this matter, please contact Gilbert Leal, athletic administrator of BISD.
BISD is continuing to monitor this situation and will provide additional information as needed.
To: Brownsville ISD Coaches and Student Athletes
RE: Postponement of BISD Strength and Conditioning
It has come to our attention that a student athlete in one of our high schools recently tested positive for COVID-19. Although we are not aware of any other coaches or athletes that has tested positive, in an abundance of caution, we will be postponing all BISD Strength and Conditioning programs and effective immediately.
The Brownsville Independent School District will take the opportunity to reevaluate information from all federal, state, and local agencies. Upon evaluation, BISD will plan to reinstate its program on July 13, 2020. All BISD students will not be allowed on campus until further notice.
Rest assured, the health and safety of our coaches and athletes is our first priority. If you have any questions, or need more information regarding this matter, please contact Gilbert Leal, athletic administrator of BISD.
BISD is continuing to monitor this situation and will provide additional information as needed.
Tuesday, June 9, 2020
BISD Confirms COVID-19 Cases
June 9, 2020
Employees of the BISD Finance, Payroll and Maintenance Department Via Email
RE: Employee tests positive for COVID-19
To the Employees of the BISD Finance, Payroll and Maintenance Department;
We were just informed that an employee of the Finance, Payroll and Maintenance Department has tested positive for COVID-19. Although we are not aware of any other employee in the Departments that have tested positive, in an abundance of caution; we will be closing the Finance and Payroll Departments from June 10 through June 12, 2020. The Maintenance Department will remain open because the effected employee worked outside of the office; however, the areas visited will be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. Similarly, during the next few days, custodial staff will thoroughly clean and disinfect the Finance and Payroll Departments to ensure it is safe to return to work on June 15, 2020.
Employees from these three departments who have physically come in to work during the preceding two-week period, are directed to get tested for COVID-19. There are various testing facilities throughout the City and County and employees may utilize any of those testing sites; however, we are encouraging employees to contact btx cares at to set up an appointment to be tested.
In keeping with recently adopted District practices, employees may not return to work until they are screened and have tested negative. The employee will then share the test results with Carmelita Rodriguez, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources and our Nursing Director, Rosa Pones, who will make the determination of when the employee may return to work. In the meantime, this is a non-exhaustive list of COVID-19 symptoms:
1. Cough, Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
2. Chills, Repeated trembling with chills
3. Headache, Muscle Pain, Sore throat
4. Red eyes
5. Headache, Sore throat
6. Diarrhea
7. Feeling feverish or a temperature measure greater than or equal to 100 degrees Fahrenheit.
If you or anyone you know is exhibiting any of the above symptoms seek immediate medical attention and let your supervisor know of your situation.
During these trying times, please rest assured that the health and safety of our employees is our first priority. If you have any questions or need more information regarding this matter, please contact Rosa Pones, Director of Nursing or Carmelita Rodriguez, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources.
Very truly yours,
Dr. René Gutiérrez
Superintendent of Schools
Employees of the BISD Finance, Payroll and Maintenance Department Via Email
RE: Employee tests positive for COVID-19
To the Employees of the BISD Finance, Payroll and Maintenance Department;
We were just informed that an employee of the Finance, Payroll and Maintenance Department has tested positive for COVID-19. Although we are not aware of any other employee in the Departments that have tested positive, in an abundance of caution; we will be closing the Finance and Payroll Departments from June 10 through June 12, 2020. The Maintenance Department will remain open because the effected employee worked outside of the office; however, the areas visited will be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. Similarly, during the next few days, custodial staff will thoroughly clean and disinfect the Finance and Payroll Departments to ensure it is safe to return to work on June 15, 2020.
Employees from these three departments who have physically come in to work during the preceding two-week period, are directed to get tested for COVID-19. There are various testing facilities throughout the City and County and employees may utilize any of those testing sites; however, we are encouraging employees to contact btx cares at to set up an appointment to be tested.
In keeping with recently adopted District practices, employees may not return to work until they are screened and have tested negative. The employee will then share the test results with Carmelita Rodriguez, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources and our Nursing Director, Rosa Pones, who will make the determination of when the employee may return to work. In the meantime, this is a non-exhaustive list of COVID-19 symptoms:
1. Cough, Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
2. Chills, Repeated trembling with chills
3. Headache, Muscle Pain, Sore throat
4. Red eyes
5. Headache, Sore throat
6. Diarrhea
7. Feeling feverish or a temperature measure greater than or equal to 100 degrees Fahrenheit.
If you or anyone you know is exhibiting any of the above symptoms seek immediate medical attention and let your supervisor know of your situation.
During these trying times, please rest assured that the health and safety of our employees is our first priority. If you have any questions or need more information regarding this matter, please contact Rosa Pones, Director of Nursing or Carmelita Rodriguez, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources.
Very truly yours,
Dr. René Gutiérrez
Superintendent of Schools
Friday, June 5, 2020
BISD Summer Work Schedule
To: Brownsville ISD Certified and Classified Personnel
BISD will continue to operate in Phase III Plan of Action by modifying work schedules during the summer months. Per Governor Abbott’s latest guidelines: • June 3, 2020 - Phase III is in effect by allowing businesses to operate at 50% capacity with limited exceptions.
Campuses, Facilities, and Central Administration Building will continue to adhere to the following guidelines during the Summer Work Schedules:
a. Ensure six feet of social distancing is in place at all times
b. Handwashing and sanitizing will continue and is required
c. Masks and gloves are strongly recommended and encouraged
d. Non-school personnel (visitors, parents, and students) will not be allowed to enter campuses until further notice and will be closed to the public

*Staff will be on a rotating schedule to either report to work or work from home due to adherence of social distance guidelines, capacity, and limitations of space as approved by your supervisor.
*All staff are expected to be CONSISTENT with this plan.
*All staff is to take the responsibility to clean and sanitize your areas daily.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding of this new updated plan. We will continue to adjust as needed based on new developments.
Dr. René Gutiérrez
Superintendent of Schools
BISD will continue to operate in Phase III Plan of Action by modifying work schedules during the summer months. Per Governor Abbott’s latest guidelines: • June 3, 2020 - Phase III is in effect by allowing businesses to operate at 50% capacity with limited exceptions.
Campuses, Facilities, and Central Administration Building will continue to adhere to the following guidelines during the Summer Work Schedules:
a. Ensure six feet of social distancing is in place at all times
b. Handwashing and sanitizing will continue and is required
c. Masks and gloves are strongly recommended and encouraged

*Staff will be on a rotating schedule to either report to work or work from home due to adherence of social distance guidelines, capacity, and limitations of space as approved by your supervisor.
*All staff are expected to be CONSISTENT with this plan.
*All staff is to take the responsibility to clean and sanitize your areas daily.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding of this new updated plan. We will continue to adjust as needed based on new developments.
Dr. René Gutiérrez
Superintendent of Schools
Monday, June 1, 2020
P-EBT Now Open
Flyer: English | Spanish
P-EBT How to Apply One-Pager: English | Spanish
Dear Parent or Guardian,
Your household may be eligible to receive Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer (P-EBT) benefits to buy food. P-EBT is for children 5-18 years old who received SNAP food benefits for the month of March 2020 and children up to 21 years old who are certified for free or reduced-price meals at school in Texas during the 2019-20 school year. Children that attend a school that offers free meals to all students (Community Eligibility Provision or Provision 2) are also eligible.
The online application for P-EBT is now open. Please review the criteria to see if you need to apply to receive these benefits. The application link is provided below.
Do I need to apply for P-EBT?
Families that DID NOT get SNAP benefits for the month of March 2020
• Yes, you will need to apply.
• Fill out an application here:
• The application is open until June 30, 2020.
• If you do not currently get SNAP benefits and your child is approved for P-EBT, you will be mailed a P-EBT card loaded with benefits.
Families that DID get SNAP benefits for the month of March 2020
• You do not need to apply for children ages 5-18. Benefits were loaded onto your existing SNAP card by May 22.
• If you have children under 5 and/or between the ages of 19 and 21, you will need to fill out an application for those children. Fill out an application here:
• If you get SNAP benefits and your child is approved for P-EBT, we will put funds on your current Lone Star Card.
P-EBT is a one-time benefit for families issued through an EBT card (like a debit card). Families receive up to $285 per eligible child. You will have one year from the date the benefits were issued to use your P-EBT benefits. P-EBT benefits are non-transferrable.
If you need help filling out the P-EBT application, please contact is 833-613-6220. For more information, please visit or call is 833-613-6220.
Brownsville Independent School District
Estimado/a padre, madre o tutor:
Su hogar puede ser elegible para recibir los beneficios de la Transferencia Electrónica de Beneficios por Pandemia (P-EBT, por sus siglas en inglés) para comprar alimentos. La P-EBT es para niños de 5 a 18 años que recibieron beneficios de alimentos del SNAP para el mes de marzo de 2020 y para niños de hasta 21 años que estén certificados para recibir comidas gratuitas o a precio reducido en la escuela en Texas durante el año escolar 2019-20. También son elegibles los niños que asisten a una escuela que ofrece comidas gratuitas a todos los estudiantes (Disposición de Elegibilidad de la Comunidad o Disposición 2).
Se encuentra disponible la solicitud en línea de la P-EBT. Revise los criterios para saber si necesita presentar una solicitud para recibir estos beneficios. A continuación se encuentra el enlace a la solicitud.
¿Necesito presentar una solicitud para la P-EBT?
Las familias que NO recibieron beneficios del SNAP para el mes de marzo de 2020
• Sí, necesitará presentar una solicitud.
• Complete una solicitud aquí:
• La solicitud está disponible hasta el 30 de junio de 2020.
• Si actualmente no recibe beneficios del SNAP y su hijo recibe la aprobación para la P-EBT, se le enviará por correo una tarjeta de P-EBT cargada de beneficios.
Las familias que SÍ recibieron beneficios del SNAP para el mes de marzo de 2020
• No necesita presentar una solicitud para los niños de 5 a 18 años. Los beneficios se cargaron en su tarjeta del SNAP existente antes del 22 de mayo.
• Si tiene hijos menores de 5 años o entre 19 y 21 años, necesitará completar una solicitud para esos niños. Complete una solicitud aquí:
• Si recibe beneficios del SNAP y su hijo recibe la aprobación para la P-EBT, pondremos los fondos en su tarjeta Lone Star actual.
La P-EBT es un beneficio único para familias emitido a través de una tarjeta de EBT (como una tarjeta de débito). Las familias reciben hasta $285 por cada niño elegible. A partir de la fecha en que se emitieron los beneficios, tendrá un año para usar sus beneficios de la P-EBT. Los beneficios de la P-EBT no son transferibles.
Si necesita ayuda para completar la solicitud de la P-EBT, llame al 833-613-6220. Para obtener más información, visite o llame al 833-613-6220.
Distrito Escolar Independiente de Brownsville
P-EBT How to Apply One-Pager: English | Spanish
Dear Parent or Guardian,
Your household may be eligible to receive Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer (P-EBT) benefits to buy food. P-EBT is for children 5-18 years old who received SNAP food benefits for the month of March 2020 and children up to 21 years old who are certified for free or reduced-price meals at school in Texas during the 2019-20 school year. Children that attend a school that offers free meals to all students (Community Eligibility Provision or Provision 2) are also eligible.
The online application for P-EBT is now open. Please review the criteria to see if you need to apply to receive these benefits. The application link is provided below.
Do I need to apply for P-EBT?
Families that DID NOT get SNAP benefits for the month of March 2020
• Yes, you will need to apply.
• Fill out an application here:
• The application is open until June 30, 2020.
• If you do not currently get SNAP benefits and your child is approved for P-EBT, you will be mailed a P-EBT card loaded with benefits.
Families that DID get SNAP benefits for the month of March 2020
• You do not need to apply for children ages 5-18. Benefits were loaded onto your existing SNAP card by May 22.
• If you have children under 5 and/or between the ages of 19 and 21, you will need to fill out an application for those children. Fill out an application here:
• If you get SNAP benefits and your child is approved for P-EBT, we will put funds on your current Lone Star Card.
P-EBT is a one-time benefit for families issued through an EBT card (like a debit card). Families receive up to $285 per eligible child. You will have one year from the date the benefits were issued to use your P-EBT benefits. P-EBT benefits are non-transferrable.
If you need help filling out the P-EBT application, please contact is 833-613-6220. For more information, please visit or call is 833-613-6220.
Brownsville Independent School District
Estimado/a padre, madre o tutor:
Su hogar puede ser elegible para recibir los beneficios de la Transferencia Electrónica de Beneficios por Pandemia (P-EBT, por sus siglas en inglés) para comprar alimentos. La P-EBT es para niños de 5 a 18 años que recibieron beneficios de alimentos del SNAP para el mes de marzo de 2020 y para niños de hasta 21 años que estén certificados para recibir comidas gratuitas o a precio reducido en la escuela en Texas durante el año escolar 2019-20. También son elegibles los niños que asisten a una escuela que ofrece comidas gratuitas a todos los estudiantes (Disposición de Elegibilidad de la Comunidad o Disposición 2).
Se encuentra disponible la solicitud en línea de la P-EBT. Revise los criterios para saber si necesita presentar una solicitud para recibir estos beneficios. A continuación se encuentra el enlace a la solicitud.
¿Necesito presentar una solicitud para la P-EBT?
Las familias que NO recibieron beneficios del SNAP para el mes de marzo de 2020
• Sí, necesitará presentar una solicitud.
• Complete una solicitud aquí:
• La solicitud está disponible hasta el 30 de junio de 2020.
• Si actualmente no recibe beneficios del SNAP y su hijo recibe la aprobación para la P-EBT, se le enviará por correo una tarjeta de P-EBT cargada de beneficios.
Las familias que SÍ recibieron beneficios del SNAP para el mes de marzo de 2020
• No necesita presentar una solicitud para los niños de 5 a 18 años. Los beneficios se cargaron en su tarjeta del SNAP existente antes del 22 de mayo.
• Si tiene hijos menores de 5 años o entre 19 y 21 años, necesitará completar una solicitud para esos niños. Complete una solicitud aquí:
• Si recibe beneficios del SNAP y su hijo recibe la aprobación para la P-EBT, pondremos los fondos en su tarjeta Lone Star actual.
La P-EBT es un beneficio único para familias emitido a través de una tarjeta de EBT (como una tarjeta de débito). Las familias reciben hasta $285 por cada niño elegible. A partir de la fecha en que se emitieron los beneficios, tendrá un año para usar sus beneficios de la P-EBT. Los beneficios de la P-EBT no son transferibles.
Si necesita ayuda para completar la solicitud de la P-EBT, llame al 833-613-6220. Para obtener más información, visite o llame al 833-613-6220.
Distrito Escolar Independiente de Brownsville
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