Monday, March 18, 2019

BISD Middle School Choirs Continue to Shine!

The BISD middle school choirs attended UIL Concert and Sight-Reading Evaluation, where the choral skills they are taught in daily instruction are presented and evaluated. Each choir is given a rating in “Concert” (three prepared songs) and “Sight-Reading” (one song that has never been seen or sung before and is read immediately after a brief instructional period). Three judges give a rating for each choir in each area and the final rating reflects the average. At this evaluation, choirs are competing against a standard and not against each other, enabling everyone to aim for that SUPERIOR rating.

When a choir is given a SUPERIOR rating (1) in one area, it receives a plaque.
When a choir is given a SUPERIOR rating (1) in both areas, it receives a SWEEPSTAKES trophy.

Congratulations to all students, directors, and accompanists! Some additional accolades to note …
•In the history of Faulk Middle School, this is the first time they have taken a Mixed Choir. They swept it!

•The Perkins MS Varsity Treble Choir earned a Sweepstakes trophy for the first time since 1999! It is a great time to sing in BISD!

View the results.

Brownsville ISD to host Second Vaccination Clinic on Friday, March 12

March 9, 2021  To: Faculty and Staff  RE: Brownsville ISD Vaccination Clinic  Dear Faculty and Staff, Brownsville ISD will be...