Monday, March 25, 2019

BISD HS Choirs Succeed at UIL Evaluation

High school choirs wrapped it up last week at UIL Concert and Sight Reading, and BISD choirs made it known that we are into fabulous music-making! They received several awards and positive recognition from statewide-invited judges.

Congratulations to the talented students, tenacious directors, and dedicated accompanists who transport listening souls to a different time, place, or feeling. Amazing work reaps amazing rewards!

Each choir was given a rating in “Concert” (three prepared songs) and “Sight Reading” (one song that has never been seen or sung before and is read immediately after a brief instructional period). Three judges give a rating for each choir in each area and the final rating reflects the average. At this evaluation, choirs are competing against a standard and not against each other, enabling everyone to aim for that SUPERIOR rating.

When a choir is given a SUPERIOR rating (1) in one area, it receives a plaque. When a choir is given a SUPERIOR rating (1) in both areas, it receives a SWEEPSTAKES trophy.

View the results.

Brownsville ISD to host Second Vaccination Clinic on Friday, March 12

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