J.T. Canales Elementary was among several BISD schools recognized recently by the Chief Executive Officer of Summit K12, Mr. John Kresky. The recognition was earned due to the campus having the highest gains last year in 5th grade STAAR Science - not only among BISD schools but among the more than 100 elementary schools across the Rio Grande Valley that use Summit K12. Principal Dr. Edward Ude stated that Mr. Jose Peña and Ms. Enelda Brown, 5th Grade Science Teachers, as well as the rest of the 5th Grade Team of Ms. Michelle Gardner-Vidal, Ms. Elsa Gonzalez and former 5th Grade Teacher from last school year, Ms. Elizabeth Lopez all had roles in the gain. He also acknowledged Mr. Roman Gomez, Elementary Science Specialist, for his support of the school’s instructional program.
CEO Kresky said that he views the relationship with the BISD schools as a partnership. He added that “We will continue to work with the administrators and teachers to align our support of the campus with their goals – to make sure the training goes well, and that teachers use best practices as they implement the Summit K12 program to improve their scores.”
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March 9, 2021 To: Faculty and Staff RE: Brownsville ISD Vaccination Clinic Dear Faculty and Staff, Brownsville ISD will be...

View the winners of the Middle School District Science Fair held on Dec. 7, 2019 at Lopez ECHS hosted by Lucio MS. The top three winners pe...
March 9, 2021 To: Faculty and Staff RE: Brownsville ISD Vaccination Clinic Dear Faculty and Staff, Brownsville ISD will be...