BISD band members recently competed for a spot in the TMEA Region 28 All-Region Orchestra and produced outstanding results! The available wind and percussion chairs are quite limited as the orchestra is primarily composed of string players. Having BISD band members earn 20 out of 29 available wind/percussion chairs proves they are not only fantastic musicians, but are truly the best of the best!
There are 11 available first chairs (for wind/percussion) and BISD earned ten of them! Also, we have a record for our district AND for Region 28 … Veterans Memorial earned a record total of SIX first chairs!!!
The TMEA Region 28 High School Orchestra will perform at the Weslaco ISD Performing Arts Center on Saturday, November 10th, at 5:30 p.m.
Fantastic job, everyone!
Brownsville ISD to host Second Vaccination Clinic on Friday, March 12
March 9, 2021 To: Faculty and Staff RE: Brownsville ISD Vaccination Clinic Dear Faculty and Staff, Brownsville ISD will be...

View the winners of the Middle School District Science Fair held on Dec. 7, 2019 at Lopez ECHS hosted by Lucio MS. The top three winners pe...
March 9, 2021 To: Faculty and Staff RE: Brownsville ISD Vaccination Clinic Dear Faculty and Staff, Brownsville ISD will be...