Fourteen BISD schools have been named by the Educational Results Partnership (ERP) and Institute for Productivity in Educations (IPE) to the Texas Honor Roll. This honor roll recognizes public schools for demonstrating consistently higher levels of student academic achievement, for improvement over time, and for reduction in achievement gaps. For high schools, the Honor Roll recognition also addresses measures of college readiness.
The Honor Roll's STAR category includes schools with significant populations of socio-economically disadvantaged students. The BISD STAR Honor Roll schools are:
Brownsville Early College High School, Benavides Elementary, Breeden Elementary, Castaneda Elementary, Egly Elementary, Garden Park Elementary, Keller Elementary, Martin Elementary, Ortiz Elementary, Paredes Elementary, Pullam Elementary, Putegnat Elementary, Resaca Elementary, Yturria Elementary
The Honor Roll's STEM category includes schools with higher performance in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. The BISD STEM Honor Roll schools are:
Ortiz Elementary, Paredes Elementary, Pullam Elementary
Congratulations to all of these campuses for earning this distinction.
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